Culture of Respect Goals and Objectives
Learn more about the Culture of Respect goals and objectives at Saint Louis University.
Survivor Support
Pillar | Goal | SMART Objective | Measure of Success |
Survivor Support |
Encourage Reporting | Create a visual flow chart depiction of the reporting process and reporting contacts that will be posted throughout campus (restrooms, housing, etc.) to provide simplified procedures and clear communication in compliance with ADA. | Existence of a flow chart that is vetted amongst appropriate stakeholders. |
Survivor Support |
Other Support | Create a list of suggested ways faculty might accommodate a student who has experienced sexual misconduct and distribute this resource to faculty annually. | Existence of list for faculty that is vetted amongst appropriate stakeholders. |
Survivor Support | Encourage Reporting | Update and revise the content and information on 博彩网址大全's Title IX website including: information about forensic examinations/SANE RN programs, sexual health resources, medical services, and staff/faculty resources, create a list of search terms. | Website is updated and revised and vetted amongst appropriate stakeholders. |
Survivor Support | Encourage Reporting | Identify page ownership and establish a schedule for review and updates on an annual basis. | Established schedule of annual review of site for updates. |
Survivor Support |
Other Support | Establish campus Threat Assessment Team to review and address all cases involving potential threat to individuals of the campus community and/or the community at large on a weekly basis, composed of DOS, DPS, OGC, UCC, OIED, and other offices as appropriate. | Team members identified and actively meeting to review cases with clear protocols to assess risk. |
Survivor Support |
Encourage Reporting | Improve access of relevant information about resources for survivors on 博彩网址大全's mobile application by changing the icon name and location. | Requested changes are approved and live on mobile app. |
Ongoing Self-Assessment
Pillar | Goal | SMART Objective | Measures of Success |
Ongoing Self-Assessment | Other Assessment | Develop a glossary of terms with definitions for the sexual misconduct policy in order to gain consistency in language in assessment tools, trainings and colloquially on campus. The definitions in the glossary will be included in the Sexual Misconduct policy, the Sexual Misconduct and Prevention Resources website, and other employee and student materials. | Completed glossary of terms with definitions included in the Sexual Misconduct policy and available online to students, faculty, and staff via 博彩网址大全 website. |
Ongoing Self-Assessment | Climate Surveys | Create a cross-disciplinary implementation group/team to guide the launch of a climate survey. | Cross-disciplinary implementation team will be identified, meetings will occur, and an implementation plan will be created. |
Ongoing Self-Assessment |
Other Assessment | Host a focus group comprised of students to assess familiarity with the sexual misconduct policy, reporting procedures, and resources available to students in order to learn what they understand about the sexual misconduct policy and resources available to them.Host a focus group comprised of students to assess familiarity with the sexual misconduct policy, reporting procedures, and resources available to students in order to learn what they understand about the sexual misconduct policy and resources available to them. | Focus groups will be scheduled and a summary report will be compiled with themes and recommendations. |
Ongoing Self-Assessment |
Other Assessment | Compile and summarize the results of the focus group and provide feedback to Sexual Misconduct Advisory committee and Title IX office to enhance sexual misconduct policy and reporting processes for students. | A summary of results from the focus group will be created and disseminated to Sexual Misconduct Advisory committee and Title IX office. |
Ongoing Self-Assessment |
Other Assessment | Create a portal or strategy for reporting parties and accused parties to provide feedback regarding their experiences with the reporting process, investigation and hearing to improve our resources and adjudication process. | Data will be collected from students pertaining to their experiences with reporting process, investigation, and hearing. |
Clear Policies
Pillar | Goal | SMART Objective | Measure of Success |
Clear Policies | Other Policies | Research best practices regarding terminology used to refer to parties involved in a Title IX investigation and provide that information to the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Board for consideration during the next policy review cycle. | Provide a report of recommendations for comparable institutions considering student feedback via focus group, survey, etc. |
Clear Policies | Adjudication | Research peer institutions' informal resolution options, make a determination of whether or not informal resolution options to address sexual misconduct are appropriate for 博彩网址大全 and present findings to the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Board. | Provided a report presenting the most common informal resolutions including the pros/cons of each type of informal resolution process. |
Clear Policies | Other Policies | Draft language addressing Accessibility and ADA Accommodations to include in the Sexual Misconduct Policy. | New policy language addressing ADA accommodations is included in the Sexual Misconduct Policy. |
Clear Policies | Other Policies | Clarify in the policy how confidentiality applies throughout the process and how Parties are notified of such confidentiality requirements. | Provided a draft with touch points on where we can add explanations of the policy to the students. Also re-draft standard communication to the students. |
Clear Policies | Other Policies | Create a verification process, through the Office of Admissions, of disciplinary records and ongoing disciplinary matters for transfer students. | A process is in place for verifying the disciplinary history of any incoming transfer student. |
Schoolwide Mobilization
Pillar | Goal | SMART Objective | Measure of Success |
Schoolwide Mobilization |
Students | Redesign peer education program to include subcommittees, compensation, and an educational training curriculum that is evaluated through pre and post-test measures, focus groups, and qualitative methods. | Peer educators selected and functioning. |
Schoolwide Mobilization | Students | Modify the current prevention strategy to include feedback from students, evidence-based strategies and create scaffolded strategies to address prevention during all four years. | Strategy created, publicized and easily accessible by campus community. |
Schoolwide Mobilization | Other stakeholders | Define purpose and evaluate the roles of members to create a new structure for the sexual misconduct advisory board. | Purpose of the group defined and new structure in place. |
Public Disclosure
Pillar | Goal | SMART Objective | Measure of Success |
Public Disclosure | Collect Data | Conduct a deep dive into the benefits of publicizing of data regarding incidents that occur outside 博彩网址大全's Clery geography by researching peer institutions and sharing this information with key stakeholders (Title IX, OGC, MarCom, DPS, etc). If it is decided that this data will be collected and shared, draft a policy and implementation plan for the publication of such data. | A decision is made whether 博彩网址大全 will share data outside Clery geography and if yes, then a draft policy will be shared with the administration for the implementation for the publication of such data. |
Public Disclosure | Other Disclosure | Develop a scripted preventative message for timely warnings with input from key stakeholders and students. | Timely warnings will include the newly scripted preventative messaging. |
Public Disclosure | Communicate Regularly | Develop a communication plan regarding Title IX with the campus and greater community.Develop a communication plan regarding Title IX with the campus and greater community. | A communication plan will be presented to key stakeholders and first phase of such plan will be disseminated. |
Multi-Tiered Education
Pillar | Goal | SMART Objective | Measure of Success |
Multi-Tiered Education |
Students | Evaluate whether the University's current online training software vendor is meeting the needs of the University and make a recommendation to the Sexual Misconduct Advisory Board and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX for either the continuation of the current platform or purchase of a new online software. | Provide written recommendations for training software vendor for FY21 to Sexual Misconduct Advisory Board. |
Multi-Tiered Education. | Students | Identify and implement a mandatory Title IX training program for graduate assistants on an annual basis to ensure that graduate assistants are trained in both University policy, procedures, and response strategies. | Training program implemented to graduate assistant/employees in Fall 2020. |
Multi-Tiered Education | Students | Work collaboratively with the Director of International Services to identify a culturally competent training module for Title IX , sexual misconduct, and violence prevention education for new international students. | Provide a written recommendation for a required, culturally competent training module for new international students to VP of EM. |
Multi-Tiered Education | Students | Create a multi-tiered educational plan to provide both new and current members of 博彩网址大全's fraternities and sororities training on an annual basis. | Receive votes of support from Fraternity and Panhellenic Council to adopt the proposed plan. |
Multi-Tiered Education | Campaigns | Create and implement a program to promote awareness of the following relevant educational months: domestic assault awareness month, stalking awareness month, national coming out day, transgender day of remembrance. | Host a minimum of one event per relevant educational month listed. |
Multi-Tiered Education | Employees | Create enhancement for existing training for student workers who are classified as CSA's under the Clery Act that provides information on their responsibilities under Title IX. | CSA training includes Title IX information. |